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Housing & Infrastucture

National Infrastructure Delivery Plan brings together the government’s plans for economic infrastructure over the next 5 years with those to support delivery of housing and social infrastructure. This is reflected by the government’s commitment to invest over £100 billion by 2020-21, alongside significant ongoing private sector investment, in infrastructure.

The NIDP sets out key projects and programmes, and major policy milestones, in each infrastructure sector and includes details of the government’s ongoing work to improve the prioritisation, performance and delivery of infrastructure, including building a skilled workforce, reducing costs and encouraging private sector investment.

National Infrastructure Pipeline

The NIDP is underpinned by a refreshed National Infrastructure pipeline, which shows the size and status of planned public and private investment worth over £480 billion to the end of the decade and beyond, including over £290 billion to 2020-21.

Local Growth Funds

Since 2014, LEPS have been awarded £7.3 billion in growth deal funding. These funds have been invested in infrastructure projects and skills capital funding.  The funding is linked to the priorities set out in each LEPs strategic economic plan. The strategic economic plans provide an analysis of the current economic situation in terms of skills, jobs, housing and infrastructure and details how the LEP will address challenges and barriers to growth.


Strategic Housing Market Assessments

Strategic Housing Market Assessments (SHMA) look at characteristics of the housing market, the need for affordable housing and the market demand for housing. A housing market area is a geographical area defined by household demand and preferences for all types of housing, reflecting the key functional linkages between places where people live and work. 

Many LEPs are working to unlock housing sites through investment of local growth funding and private sector investment. A lack of housing is cited a key barrier to economic growth in many areas.

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